NAPM Committees
There are certain functions and services that the association, acting in concert with its membership, can perform – but to be successful in its efforts, the NAPM requires the support and involvement of its members. It needs the collective thinking of all concerned to formulate plans, and it requires the physical effort of its membership to put those plans into operation. This is our true differentiator, the NAPM doesn't want to make decisions and representations based on what we "think” is best for you, but what "we collectively” think is best for not only your business but everyone using mail as an important part of their business. We don't do things for you; we do things with you (with your support, expertise, cooperation, etc.), together we do things to protect your business interest and improve the mailing industry.
The NAPM does this through a variety of ways; we hold regularly scheduled member meetings where we can share our thoughts and ideas and we also form committees to address ongoing business needs or take on and resolve short-term business problems.
Why Participate on a Committee?
Serving on a committee is a great way to give something to the association and the industry, as well as benefit your own company. It also is a good way to increase your own network within the association and industry. Having a diverse group of members participate on our committees helps by:
- Providing NAPM with greater insight and perspective on how issues impact all types of members. Each member may bring a unique set of experiences and work environment that support development of better outcomes.
- Having more members involved in our committee work lightens the load for all. When there are not enough volunteers, those who do participate can become overwhelmed with too many tasks. Sharing these tasks among more participants means each takes on only those tasks they can support, which is better for the individuals and for the association.
- Participating on NAPM committees helps individuals professionally develop, expand their professional network through new/improved business relationships, and increase visibility within the industry for themselves and their company.
- Having more members participate on committees allows the NAPM to accomplish more work, which benefits all members of the association. We often have a long list of postal improvements/changes we would like to move forward, or issues we need to provide information around, but if there are not enough committee participants, some initiatives on the list must be moved down in priority and may never get the attention they need.
There is a role for any member on NAPM committees, some requiring very little of their time, others requiring more. NAPM members interested in participating on one of the below committees should contact the committee chair.
NAPM Active Committees
Standing Committees
The Board of Directors has several standing committees: Membership, Strategic Planning, and Annual Conference. These committees hold regular meetings that are chaired by Board of Director members. Within some of these standing committees, there are sub-committees formed to tackle specific topics of importance to NAPM members.
Annual Conference Committee
Committee Sponsor:
Andy Phillips, The Phillips Group
Ph: 763-227-2002
email: [email protected]
Committee Chair:

Lora Patton
Engineering Innovation Inc. (EII)
email: [email protected]
The Annual Conference committee is a standing committee of the Board for the planning and execution of the NAPM Annual Membership Meeting to be held each year. The annual meeting is required by NAPM bylaws for the express purpose of holding an annual business meeting with the members of the NAPM. Since this is a large multi-day event hosted in various parts of the country, there is a lot of effort required to accomplish the event. The committee starts planning meetings in late summer and the meeting frequency and intensity increases through the fall and winter until the event date. Activities include everything from property selection to meeting theme, format, and event planning, to notification and registrations.
Membership Committee
Committee Sponsor:
Jamie Freeman, TC Delivers
Ph: 407-855-8262
e-mail: [email protected]
Committee Chair:
Mandy Gebbie
Midwest Direct
Ph: 216-472-4934
email: [email protected]
The Membership committee is a standing committee of the Board for the management of the NAPM membership business functions. The committee is responsible for membership acquisition and retention and providing our members with assistance regarding their membership benefits, standing, or concerns. The committee is responsible for the development and management of membership definition, dues and services pricing, member services, service/offering development, and designed to provide a channel of communication among members of the association regarding regulation, policies, plans and actions of the association.
Strategic Planning Committee
Committee Sponsor:
Steve Krejcik, PB Presort Services
Ph: 708-485-4764
e-mail: [email protected]
Committee Chair:
Sean Gebbie, Midwest Direct
Ph: 216-472-4908
email: [email protected]
The Strategic Planning committee is a standing committee of the Board for the management of industry and Postal changes that can impact member (our industry segment) business interests and the development new or innovative business models to further the role of presort mail service providers in the supply chain. As a general principle the committee is focused on pursuing efforts that increase the potential market share of service providers and create more workshare discount opportunity while minimizing the costs to the mailer to address Postal Service requirement changes. The committee heads up and coordinates efforts to respond to Postal Federal Register notices and Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) sessions and establishes ad-hoc sub-committees to focus on business developments in the interests of our industry segment. One major objective of the committee is to work with USPS to help them understand the role the service providers provide in the supply chain and develop initiatives with the USPS to create new services and revenue streams for our industry segment.
Sub-Committees of the Strategic Planning Committee
The NAPM also creates ad-hoc sub-committees to perform activities in the interest of the NAPM membership. These sub-committees generally have shorter terms and specific objectives that are usually focused on solving specific business needs of our industry segment. In some cases, especially when the Postal Service has long term efforts like Seamless Acceptance going on, the NAPM will form a committee to stay engaged with the effort to ensure our interests are represented and protected.
Tactical Committee
Committee Co-Chairs:
Brian Bowers, Imaginology
Ph: (847) 612-6223
email: [email protected]
Lori Tiseth, Royal Alliances
email: [email protected]
The Tactical Committee usually meets once per month and works on tactical issues impacting members of the association as well as ideas for changes to existing processes/procedures drive by USPS requirements.