Why Join NAPM? Hear What Our Members Say...
What some informal video clips of NAPM members talking about why their companies belong to NAPM and the value it brings:
More from NAPM Members on the value they find in membership...
“From our perspective, we like the positive, constructive, and collaborative approach that NAPM’s leadership and membership have to creating a more effective mailing and shipping industry supply chain. The membership mix is diverse and is comprised of a healthy contribution of innovative and conservative thinkers. The mix of technical, operational, business, and operational skillsets produces an environment that stimulates ideas and healthy debate. When NAPM’s membership covers a broad range of participants in the supply chain, you get the added benefit of experience and insight from professionals that are tackling the same kinds of challenges that we face in our own business every day.
NAPM has had a successful track record with its positive and collaborative approach to achieve Win/Win solutions with the USPS through the education of the business and operational realities required. With the USPS redesigning their network and workflows, IWCO Direct wanted to be part of NAPM. We know NAPM members will be helping to lead the changes necessary for the USPS and Industry to achieve affordable, predictable, and effective service. We look forward to contributing to the discussion and learning from others as NAPM looks to support the industry’s future direction.”
Bob Rosser, Director, Postal Affairs IWCO Direct

“United Business Mail has been a member of NAPM for several decades. Being a member of NAPM is an investment that has paid dividends over and over again throughout the years. During this time, the NAPM has continued to be an advocate for the industry to ensure that our voices are heard and that the discounts that we offer to our clients through the USPS workshare program are protected. In addition to advocacy within the industry and with the United States Postal Service, the NAPM has served as the glue for the presort industry allowing its members who may compete in some capacity to help each other succeed.
Some of the relationships within the NAPM have spanned several decades, and some just a few years as we continue to add new members. Regardless of how long a member has been part of the NAPM, you know that you have others in the industry that you can call if you have a question and in many cases someone to refer business to. I know that UBM has personally referred business to other members when we have clients with locations in states we are not located, and likewise members have referred business to us in the same manner. United Business Mail does not view our membership as an expense. We view our membership as an investment in the industry, an investment in protecting workshare discounts, and a privilege to be a part of.
Bill Boyce, President United Business Mail

“As a medium to small mail company, the NAPM gives me a big voice that the USPS has to listen to. The NAPM annual meeting is an invaluable event, I cannot overstate the insight and value our company has received from attending this event in Tampa, from talking directly to the Postmaster General face to face. Also having a contact at the NAPM available by email for advice throughout the year, really helps with any potential acceptance issues.”
Gary Simmons, General Manager DMS Mail Management Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1-800-349-6245 [email protected]
"Our organization is a dedicated member of the NAPM because of the support, resources, team and especially the members that are willing to help each other. This community speaks frankly and openly about the industry with each other to help us all improve. As a family of four sites with thousands of customers it is important that we stay up to date, learn and share best practices and help all customers communicate with their customers. The connection that NAPM has created with the USPS allows us to be informed of changes that can impact our customers and our livelihoods -- that in itself is invaluable."
G. Shayne Huston, CEO Mail Communications Group

“NPI has been a proud member and sponsor of NAPM for over 20 years now. Some of our customers have been longstanding members since 1989. Throughout the years NAPM has matured into an organization that supports, educates and fights the battles for its membership.
Keeping members informed of pending changes to postal regulations and rules has allowed its members and vendors to have a much more proactive environment in which to work. Through member networking, educational seminars, committees, monthly telecoms and annual face to face meetings NAPM proves to be a valuable asset to the mailing industry.
With unfettered access to USPS management, NAPM’s board members have the opportunity to voice their industry concerns on pending changes well before they are implemented. This has saved the mailing industry and NAPM members countless dollars which easily offset the cost of membership.
In today’s environment you need a staunch advocate representing you. The NAPM and its members work diligently to provide its members with invaluable industry knowledge and expertise. From our standpoint the NAPM has been an invaluable asset, providing us the opportunity to provide better products and services to our customers.
We proudly support NAPM and its members.”
Michelle Benker Marketing Manager NPI 14901 Trinity Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76155 T: 214-634-2288 x 209 [email protected]

“I have been a member of NAPM since 1984. When I joined, I was concerned about the dues as many of us are, so I wanted to find out what the NAPM had to offer that made it worth it. Since that was a postal rate increase period, I learned immediately how much input the NAPM had on the decision makers in the USPS.
The achievements of the past 3 decades have done nothing but increase my potential as a presort mailer. Not only has the NAPM been instrumental in maintaining the discount levels but it has also been instrumental in establishing ‘rules and regulations’ of presorting to continue to give its members the benefits. This has been evident in years past with the bundling requirements, battles with ‘sampling problems’ experienced by all who deposit mail and many other negotiations to our benefit.
There have been so many savings and increased earning potentials negotiated by the NAPM that I would like to see a history presentation at a Winter Meeting sometime just to educate the new members on why they have been able to be successful. Participation at the Winter Meetings has always given me take home value. The meetings are geared to current issues and how to manage with tremendous support from USPS dignitaries and huge vender support. I have also had tremendous take home value from just discussing business with fellow members of the NAPM in the off times.
I have heard in the past, members leaving because they cannot pay the dues. If it were not for the benefits of the NAPM, I could not pay my dues. The organization is now in a professional growth mode and in this time of decreasing mail volumes, the NAPM continues to improve our position with the USPS which ultimately gives us more opportunity for increasing our business.
Thank you NAPM for all you have done for me.”
Joe Vanlandingham Presort First Class Oklahoma City, OK [email protected]

“Engineering Innovation Inc. (Eii) has been a proud member of NAPM since we introduced our first presort mailing solution, the E Z Flats system, in 2007. We have continually been amazed at the wealth of insightful information we access through our participation in NAPM, whether in the annual conferences, the monthly member teleconferences, or committee meetings.
Of course as a vendor we enjoy the opportunity to network with the owners and managers among the country’s top mail presort companies, yet we also see how much they gain from networking with one another. Today we commend NAPM leadership for its vigilance in strengthening this important industry and urge any Mail Service Provider involved in presorting to seriously consider becoming an NAPM member. It will be well worth your time and investment.”
Don Caddy, Chief Operating Officer Engineering Innovation Inc Direct : 765-250-4123

“ALG Worldwide has been a member of NAPM for many years, first as a vendor member and then as an MSP and Vendor. The education this association brings to our company is invaluable. Not only does the group lead the industry in connecting with the USPS but they are also on top of numerous issues that come up for the mailing industry such as labor, transportation and data. If there is an issue that comes up within the membership, the team doesn’t hesitate to roll up their sleeves and help find a solution. I have been in the mailing industry for over 25 years and what I find with NAPM is that the willingness members have to help each other is by far the most engaging I have seen. It truly is a collaboration.”
Michelle Zalewski, Vice Pres., Postal Affairs & Sales ALG Worldwide Logistics

“The support and value we have received from the NAPM has been remarkable. Whenever we reach out, the NAPM is always there to provide not just solutions, but the right solution to fit our needs. Having become a member recently was one of the best moves our company has made in the industry. The NAPM team has become an invaluable resource to our company.”
Paul Brotz, CEO Delivery Point Mail Services

“NAPM is a great resource in understanding the automation needs of presort mailers. The association leaders effectively and professionally represent the interests of all members to the USPS and US Congress. Parascript is extremely proud to serve the NAPM community with Parascript state of the art OCR technology and contribute to cost savings for presort mailers in USPS work-sharing programs.”
Kaz J. Jaszczak Vice President - Postal Automation PARASCRIPT, LLC T 303.381.3153| M 303.882.7673 [email protected]

“The NAPM has been a tremendous resource in helping our organization stay up to date on postal changes. The NAPM team is very responsive in helping resolve issues and finding information relating to our postal needs.".
Jeromy Fritz, President Presort Inc.

“The NAPM is an important voice and vehicle of information. The value of membership is priceless. The contacts you will make & the information you will receive are worth joining in itself. You will also become part of a collective voice which you need to be today to protect your business & your interests."
Chuck Chesler, President Corporate Mailing Services

“BlueCrest finds value in the National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM), having the opportunity to discuss postal topics within the presort mailing industry for sortation applications. Postal leaders share perspective and insight to the ongoing postal programs whereby BlueCrest, alongside industry leaders, share operational views, and solution usage toward such programs. NAPM has grown in market segment topics, providing additional insights and discussions in printing, insertion, mailings, logistics, mail classification types, flats, parcels and more. Having the NAPM membership allows for interactions with postal clients throughout the U.S., sharing information on optimization and operational efficiencies, services and the need for leading automation.
As part of NAPM, we continue to benefit from NAPM being able to connect with the USPS on behalf of the mailing community for changes in postal policies and procedures. Some more recent examples include, but are not limited to, NAPM’s advocacy on the “Undocumented Mail Category 14” issue. And previously, NAPM was a key proponent for the Seamless Acceptance incentive discount. Likewise, NAPM had an important role in supporting the expansion of the Full Service 0.003 discount to USPS Marketing Mail in addition to First-Class Mail. As a long standing NAPM member, we appreciate the collaboration.
BlueCrest is dedicated to advancing your operations to meet the demands of the future so your business can be smarter, faster, stronger—better. BlueCrest is the global leader in enterprise print, mail and customer communications. With a comprehensive line of printers, inserters, sorters and parcel solutions—and a renewed commitment to providing innovative cloud-based software—BlueCrest serves clients around the world."
Rick Becerra, Global Vice President Sortation Solutions BlueCrest
